The Singing Sibes

Harley singing her heart out! A few of the "tricks" the FiveSibes have learned include "speak" and "sing." Now, as every Sibe parent can attest to, Siberian Huskies just love to talk. And with a little encouragement and training, they can talk, sing, and howl on request (again and again and again)! Their singing is so part of their charm, and fortunately, I have wonderful neighbors who love to hear our Huskies sing! Here is a little fun movie trailer of "The Singing Sibes" having such a howling good time that we submitted it to Pup Love's "Tricks for Treats" contest. We always love asking them to speak or sing and then enjoy listening to their conversations and songs! We hope you'll enjoy the trailer and a clip of one of their songs! (A Top Ten "with a paw" for sure!) And visit Pup Love's site to view all the video submissions, they are all quite good! A sample clip with vocals...