Flashback Friday: Memories of Birthdays Past

With my birthday coming up, I have been reflecting back on how much has changed since last year's birthday when my family surprised me with a beautiful Gibson cake! I had fun that day with him and the cake and now cherish we had that as no one knew what the year ahead held. Not only did I lose my beloved Mom in November, but then Gibson left to keep her company in December. My Flashbacks are from birthdays past that were shared with my amazing mother and beloved Gibson. Pictured here is my Mom and me with a Husky she gave me as part of my gift! This birthday almost closes out the year's "firsts" of holidays and celebrations without my Mom and my boy, Gibson, here with me. I wish I could say it has gotten easier. It hasn't. I miss them both with all my heart every single day. I'm just learning to adjust my life to their not being part of it; the absence they have left is always felt. They will be forever be in my heart. "Those we lo...