Newsy Tuesday! A Husky in Congress?

Woo! It's me Gibson...I took control of Mom's laptop today to talk about Election Day. First, a little disclaimer. * T hese photos are not in support of, or against, any particular parties, especially those who may share my name! These are for some Bloggerville fun! I mean , after all , it's not every day a Husky f inds his name posted all over the town, the news, and TV! * Speaking of shared names...while I was riding around town with my Mom, imagine my surprise when I saw I was running for Congress! Woo! When I saw the first sig n that said "Gibson" - I wooed and poked at the car window with m y nose so Mom wo uld see. But she said she already knew. I was so excited! That's a really good name! I s hould know! So I asked Mom if I had a cam paign office like other human candidates...and she said 'Yes!' Woooo! I wanted to see my office, so we drove over... I was so excited when we pulled in. I was greeted by a really BIG bulletin b...