Summer Lovin' Sibes Havin' Some Fun...

Wow…the heatwave has been brutal in the Northeast, with temps hitting scorching triple digits. Definitely not Siberian Husky weather, that’s for sure! During the brutally humid days, our FiveSibes stay inside in the fan-blowing, A/C roaring, cool house where they rule the kitchen as their own personal domain as they bask, play, and tear up sections of the flooring to keep busy. Occasionally, when big brother Gibson gets tired of the three pups, he will take himself downstairs to the Sibe bedroom, and make himself comfy on the cool waterbed inside his kennel (we keep the door open so he can go to-and-from). Yes, there is A/C in their bedroom too! Naturally, when nature calls, they need to go outside, even when it’s 103F! To make it more fun for them, we fill up the kiddie pool, toss in some water toys, and hook up the hose to one of the deck beams and make a sprinkler just for their cooling pleasure! Pictured here big brother Gibson dives in first, followed by little bro Wolf. F...