
Showing posts from December 1, 2023

#NEAM - Honoring My EpiStar and Canine Epilesy Ambassadog, Gibson

  Welcoming in December and closing out #NEAM: November is Epilepsy Awareness Month with the beautiful boy who inspired a global awareness movement #LiveGibStrong & #Paws4Purple - the OG Epi-Star himself, my big beautiful beloved Gibson. Always. Forever.        Flashback Photo ~ 💜 Gibson 💜 ~ 2014   With this being November, a very important month here with Canine Epilepsy Awareness, I thought it only fitting for me to bid adieu to another year of month-long Epi-Star features and information by highlighting the Epi-warrior who inspired me—my big, fluffy beautiful boy who inspired an awareness initiative that is still going strong—my beautiful boy, Gibson. Pictured here, almost to the exact date when we received the first box of my new book, EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epielspy, hot-off-the-presses and my boy Gibson got to chec out the first book with his story within the 264 pages of...