Red, White, Blue and Husky on a Festive Merry Meme Monday!

We hope everyone had a fun and safe Four of July holiday! For today's Merry Meme Monday, our star is Jeanette DaBaldo's beautiful "Faith" who is all decked out in the Red, White, and Blue! And those cool star-spangled glasses are so reminiscent of the kind Elton John would wear, that we just loved this meme caption by Beth Hunter Lasater! Okay, who has an earworm now???!! We do!!! "Buh-buh-buh-buh Benny and the Jets....!" Our FiveSibes™ Merry Meme Caption Contest is periodically hosted over on our FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews Facebook page featuring gorgeous Siberian Huskies and clever memes suggested by, and voted on, by our readers. Come join us each week for some Merry Memes and lots of smiles! Have a cool pic you'd like to submit to our Merry Mere Monday Caption Contest? Just Email it on over to me at FiveSibesHuskyNews(at)gmail(dot)com , tell us your name, your dog(s) name(s), and put "Merry M...