November Epilepsy Awareness Month: Meet Epi-Star MANILOW

Epi-Star "Manilow" B. Magic and Hu-Mom, Barbara by Dorothy Wills-Raftery In my continuing month-long Epi-Star series, based on the concept of my book EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy , I am highlighting some amazing dogs who have/are living and loving life with Canine Epilepsy, a few who starred in my book. Today, we are looking at the life of Barbara Drury’s beloved yellow Labrador Retriever she named Manilow (after her favorite singer, Barry Manilow). Manilow, Barbara told me when I was I was writing my book and interviewing her, that right from the beginning he was her “best friend.” He came into her life as a 12-week-old puppy shortly before Thanksgiving in 1996. To purchase the book, and if you live in the Devens, MA, visit Manilow's Canine Playground as Barbara has some copies for sale that she purchased from me. Or, you can go to our ArcticHouse Books...