#30DaysForEpiNovember: Day 5 is Strength; Unveiling the New #LiveGibStrong Logo

Today we are talking about "strength." And to me...that word is synonymous with Gibson. In honor of my strong, brave, beautiful angel Epi warrior, I am proud to unveil our new #LiveGibStrong logo! You may have started to see it on a few of my Canine Epilepsy Awareness posts, and you will see it on my new website, that I will be unveiling this month. While this logo had been designed a few years ago, prior to Gib's journeying to north of the Rainbow Bridge, the time just was not right to unveil it. Today, I feel it in my heart and soul that it's the perfect time. The logo, which is based on the Gibson cartoon character from my FiveSibes Tale books, depicts Gibson being "Gib Strong," meaning that dogs with Canine Epilepsy are true warriors, they do not give up, they enjoy their days in between seizures, and may they live strong. With November being National Epilepsy Awareness Month, I am also joining Kimberley Matchem and Epi-dog "Rolo...