Remembering 9/11: Twelve Years Later

September 11, 2001. Twelve years ago. I remember exactly where I was when the news broke. A horrific day. Babies have grown up. Young children are now adults. Search and Rescue (SAR) dogs retired and passed on. Time marches on, but we will never forget. On this memorial day of 9/11, we want to pay tribute to all the heroes of that day, and those days following the attacks on America...both human and canine. We are still a nation in healing. I think we will always be. We are so thankful for all those who answered the call that fateful day, even though the two simple words "Thank You" just does not seem enough to express our gratitude. Our hearts go out to the families of lost loved ones, and our deepest, sincerest thanks to all of the heroes of 9/11. We will always remember. There are so many 9/11 stories, many still untold. If you were on a K-9 team, a vet, or VMAT (veterinary medical assistance team) and have a story to share, or know of someone who does, pleas...