#TackleEpilepsy and Help Coach Jerry Kill Raise Awareness & $$$ for Epilepsy!

We here at FiveSibes are joining Coach Jerry Kill, who as partnered with UCB and EpilepsyAdvocate, in his #TackleEpilepsy social media campaign to help spread the word about Epilepsy Awareness. On the Big Game Day - February 5 - UCB will feature an ad in the Super Bowl program advocating for Epilepsy Awareness. From now until then, you can join in by posting pics of your (and your dog's) "game face" as your Facebook profile pic, tag some friends, and also share your pic on all of your social media with the hashtag #TackleEpilepsy. That's it! And... "UCB will donate $26,000 to the Epilepsy Foundation in honor of #TackleEpilepsy participation!" In memory of my sweet Epi-dog, Gibson and our continual #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness Campaign, I have my purple-for-Epilepsy-awareness game face on and we are in! Will you join in, too, for both K9s and humans living with Epilepsy? And since it's our Flashback Friday blog hop...my photos are ...