NEAM: Meet EpiStars Siberian Huskies Sierra & Kota of Animal Town Sanctuary

Epi-Stars, "Sierra" and "Kota" by Dorothy Wills-Raftery N ovember is NEAM--National Epilepsy Awareness Month, and I've been an advocate for dogs with epilepsy (Epi-dogs) ever since my Gibson was diagnosed shortly after his third birthday in 2009, becoming an official Purple Day® for Epilepsy Ambasssador for Canine Epilepsy (first to include a canine in the organization, which I am totally proud of! Steps for canines!) Why? To let people know a) they are not alone in their often times scary journey, and b) that today, Epi-dogs can--and DO--live happy lives. Inspired by my own Epi-Star Gibson’s story, I wrote the beautiful large coffee table book and multi-award winning EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Life With Canine Epilepsy , where I share stories of amazing Epi-dogs and their equally amazing human families who care for them across the world. So, last year I began this blog's Epi-Star Features to continue highl...