It's Looking A Lot Like Christmas!

It's 12/12/12!!! 'Twas a couple weeks before Ch ri stmas and a ll the holiday critters came out of hibernation... We know it's Christmas time when the Christmas Huskies and sled is set up! Bi nx even joined in the fun step ping inside the foyer to check out Mr. S inging Snowman...although at first he was a bit surprised to see it! Inside the house, Queen Harley supervised the decorating of the tree ! Bandit had fun hiding under the kitchen nook table behind the large artificial P ointsettia plant! Pe e k-a-boo, silly BandaBear, we see you! We love Christmas cards and are so happy to be part of the Blogville Christmas Card Exc hange again this year! Gibson is our re sident "postmaster" an d loves to give each car d a good sniff be f ore we put them up. Funny part - to date, our fa mily has 4 cards while the FiveSibes and Binx have 53! The new indoor Huskies and sleigh was the hit of the season! Chl...