A Torn Cruciate - Yes, Again!

Wolf, cuddling his buddies the night before surgery. So here we are ~ again ~ a place all-to-familiar to us. A blown CCL. While this one was no real surprise, as we were advised that after Wolf's imbrication surgery last October when he blew out his right CCL while running (see HERE for list of Wolf's previous updates), we could/should expect his other to give out in about a year's time. Well, it's been nine months and over the past month he has started showing the telltale signs of his left CCL going, and then this weekend, he was no longer able to put weight on the paw and I knew it was time. So this morning, my boy travelled with his Hu-Dad to the surgical hospital to prep for his surgery today. What makes this especially difficult is that I could not travel with them today as I myself was in Emergency Care this past weekend with acute bronchitis. But, his daddy reported back that he went in with the surgeon like a big boy! Just a few minutes ago, the surgeon p...