Veterans Day: Remembering and Honoring our Soliders & Their K9 Partners, the War Dog & Gibson's Daily Epi-Tip #11

Today is Veterans Day. Please take a moment on this 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour to reflect upon all of our veterans, past and present, two-legged and four-legged, who bravely defend our country and our rights. If you see a veteran, say "Thank You" for their service. Since this is a canine blog, we'll be focusing on the four-legged veterans and their dedication and service. Why not stop by your local shelter and make a donation of food, treats, goods, or money in the name of a K9 soldier? My father, who was a TSGT and served two tours during World War II, the first with the "Big Red One" - the U.S. Army's First Division, and then later on with the Rainbow Division, was an avid animal lover. I remember him talking about dogs and puppies they would befriend out in the field and on base. Here is a photo I share each Veterans Day of him with two of his canine pals on base. Did You Know? There are many working breeds of dog who serve ...