With Gratitude on Mother's Day

T he Pupsters with their surrogate mother, Harley. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms of two- and four-legged children! The Pupsters Chloe, Wolf, and Bandit gave their surrogate mom, Harley, some Sibe kisses and nose pokes as their special gift to her today! Before we share our special Mother's Day video card with you today, I would like to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude. Yesterday, as you know, was a very sad day for us here with our sweet cat Smokie suddenly leaving for the Rainbow Bridge. I would like to take a moment to say "thank you" with heartfelt appreciation for all the wonderful comments, notes, Emails, and tributes to our sweet girl. This is truly a wonderful community of caring and compassionate pet lovers, and I'm so proud to be part of it. Your thoughts and wishes have been so comforting as we make this journey of losing Smokie and having to adjust back to a life without her. Our sidewalk is so bare without her furry self rolling...