Happy Birthday North of the Rainbow Bridge, Dear Harley, Alpha Queen of the FiveSibes

“ The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief. But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love. ” ~Hilary Stanton Zunin T wenty years . Oh, where to begin...waking up and knowing it was one of our FiveSibes' birthday—Nanuk "Harley" Mari—but, there would be no party, no crazy Sibe shenanigans as they danced, pranced, and wooed their hearts out while eagerly waiting for the signature vanilla ice cream bone - shaped cake to celebrate...hurts. It squeezes my heart to know that they are no longer by my side, and that Harley is not here for her celebration. But, today, on what would be her 20th Birthday, it's bittersweet as I fondly look back over 14.5 years of amazing memories with her... Oh, my FiveSibes were always up for a party! Harley - our beloved, tough, fun, sassy, silly, amazing, gorgeous first Husky - ruled the FiveSibes home like a champ that she was! She was a...