♥ Happy 8th Birthday, Gibson! ♥ A Giveaway and Video to Celebrate!

Today is beautiful Gibson's birthday! It's so hard to believe it was eight years ago in April when Gib joined our family. He was just a happy, silly, big ball of fluff with a squinty parti-eye that made him look like he was winking. He couldn't really run like a regular Husky, he always did a combination of a horse's lope mixed in with a bunny's back end hop ~ and that's how he still runs today! That fluffy wooly puppy grew into a beautiful, amazing, loving, soulful dog...and a best friend to me. He is "an old soul" as our canine behaviorist once pointed out upon meeting him and I agree. When I talk to Gib and look into his beautiful blue eyes, they are knowing. We have a very special unbreakable bond. Love this split-pic my daughter put together for us! We've been through a lot over the years with his diagnosis of Canine Epilepsy shortly after he turned three, to bouts of hind end weakness due to his Epi-meds, and a very severe cas...