#LiveGibStrong: November Kicks Off (K9) Epilepsy Awareness Month & Call-Out For Stories!

Flashback photo ~ "Gibson" ~ November 3, 2012 N ovember is here and it is also the month for Epilepsy Awareness and as an official Purple Day® for Epilepsy Ambassador since 2012, I'm proud to kick off this year's awareness month once again with our #FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness . I'm very proud of the body of work created in my Gibson's name. Through our journey, I learned so much in my quest to give the best life possible to Gibson, who after a series of grand mal and cluster seizures, was diagnosed with idiopathic Epilepsy shortly after his third birthday. Over the years along the way, we met so many amazing people along the way from our amazing vet team to neurology veterinary specialists, fellow Epi-dog caregivers, and always the amazing Epi-dogs themselves. I'm also very proud of having our FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong be partnered with the international human epilepsy nonprofit ~ Purple Day® Every Day/Presented by The Anita...