#LiveGibStrong: November Kicks Off (K9) Epilepsy Awareness Month & Call-Out For Stories!

Flashback photo ~ "Gibson" ~ November 3, 2012

November is here and it is also the month for Epilepsy Awareness and as an official Purple Day® for Epilepsy Ambassador since 2012, I'm proud to kick off this year's awareness month once again with our #FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness.

I'm very proud of the body of work created in my Gibson's name. Through our journey, I learned so much in my quest to give the best life possible to Gibson, who after a series of grand mal and cluster seizures, was diagnosed with idiopathic Epilepsy shortly after his third birthday. Over the years along the way, we met so many amazing people along the way from our amazing vet team to neurology veterinary specialists, fellow Epi-dog caregivers, and always the amazing Epi-dogs themselves. 

I'm also very proud of having our FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong be partnered with the international human epilepsy nonprofit ~ Purple Day® Every Day/Presented by The Anita Kaufmann Foundation to not only feature my information on Canine Epilepsy, but also for my #Paws4Purple educational initiative through them.

Before I continue on with Canine Epilepsy awareness items, I just have to share a funny story (in the coincidental sense).about today's flashback photo. I knew I wanted a pic of Gib and I wanted one for Epilepsy awareness. This one jumped right out! As I am looking up the date of this wonderful #FlashbackFriday photo of my Gibson, I notice it was on today's date - November 3rd - of 2012. Wow. Plus, on this very same date, I had released a blog post announcing the call-out for stories to be included in what would become my book EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy ~ and today, here's the second coincidence, I'm announcing call-outs again for features on this blog! Talk about a double sign that this was the pic to go with! 

I remember the day I took this photo so well. Gibson was always up for anything! So when I first began the #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness campaign, I designed the poster with a photo I took of Gibson's beautiful face. Now, I am one of those people who talks to my dogs--about everything! So all the while I was designing the campaign, I'd run things by Gib! When I brought home the mounted poster, I loved the way he was looking at it and was at the ready with my camera. To think that it's been 11 years on the nose since this moment caught on film is surreal.

So, this month (and of course Purple Day itself in March) I will periodically be sharing videos, podcasts, latest clinical trials, and of course, tributes to the the Epi-dog warrior. Be sure to follow us over on our community Facebook page for things that may not be covered here. We're at FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews (or @FiveSibes).

Up first, November 5th is the end to Daylight Saving Time as we "fallback" an hour. Now, contrary to some out there saying this bears no effect on dogs with seizures, I'm here to say, with neurology veterinary approval, oh yes it can. It's important to keep in mind that Epilepsy triggers are not a one shoe fits all type of thing. Check out my previous post on adjusting those all-important specifically timed AEDs (click on image):

⭐️ Calling All Epi-Stars! ⭐️

Once again I'm looking for Epi-Stars! Inspired by the stories in my book EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living and Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy, I'm looking to feature here on my FiveSibes blog this month and add to our grown library of fabulous Epi-dogs who have lived/are living life to the fullest! 

Check out our past Epi-Stars on the special feature page HERE. If you share life (or did) with a dog who has seizures, I want to hear from you! Email me a pic of your Epi-pup (with or without you in it!) and tell me a little about his/her story of living life with epilepsy to FiveSibesLiveGibStrong(at)gmail(dot)com and put Epi-Star in the subject line!

I look forward to your stories and sharing them here!



And... here's 30 (a month's full) of our Gibson's Epi-Tips!



For your listening pleasure...

To kick off November's Epilepsy Awareness Month, I'm breaking out of the archive vault, my "The Sibe Vibe" podcast aired on Dog Works Radio featuring Dr. Arnold Rugg, Founder of the Kingston Animal Hospital in Kingston, NY who was my Gibson's amazing lead vet and personal friend. This is about an hour, so grab a cuppa whatever you like, pop in your ear buds or turn up the volume on your speaker and enjoy. Dr. Rugg is an amazing resource, extremely knowledgeable, and always open to all of my "What do you think about if we tried this....?"

So in the true champion zestful spirit of my Epi-warrior, my gorgeous Gibson, our hope through educations and sharing vetted important information on Canine Epilepsy, that all Epi-dogs will #LiveGibStrong.


Be sure to check out and SHARE our Dog Writers Association of America's Maxwell Medallion for "Excellence" award-winning #LiveGibStrong Online K-9 Epilepsy Resource Library! It's always FREE to browse!

đź’› Memories Are Visits For the Heart đź’›



The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday, include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along and visit the other blogs and don't forget to leave a nice comment! 
Happy Friday!



Visit our Home Page and Don't Forget to Visit Our Other Pages, including Our #LiveGibStrong On-Line K-9 Epilepsy Resource Page. Just click on "More" Pages at top of blog.   



  1. Wow, the posting dates-what a coincidence indeed! Thank you for all you've done and accomplished, Dorothy. the info you go generously have shared have made such a difference in providing a safe home for Elsa, my epi-warrier. We both appreciate it! đź’ś đź’ś đź’ś

  2. Purple month is so important and you do so many amazing things to help the pups. Bless you.

  3. You've developed a fantastic body of work on dogs with Epilepsy. I always recommend you and your blog to anyone who needs the information. The dates are much more than coincidence I think! I'm happy to share all the information and posts you come out with this month

  4. I know I've said it before, but you are an absolute amazing warrior for the legacy of Gibson. I'm always in awe of how you've carried on his legacy with such courage and vigor. I'm glad you have been recognized the Maxwell Medallion Excellence Award. You deserve so much more for what you've done for Epi-Dogs. Truly amazing!

    I love the Flashback photo. I bet Gibson loved helping you pick out photos and be your model. I also really like your video. It's so informative and I know will help many dog parents worried about their Epi-Dogs.

    Of course, I'm sharing this with all my dog parents.

  5. I have learned so much from you, you an amazing spokeswoman for those that are suffering and every November I make sure Awareness Month is on the Observance list on my blog also. You chose the perfect photo as it has so much meaning to you plus speaks out for all. Sharing to bring awareness

  6. Gibson was such a handsome dog wasn't he? I am so glad there is a whole month devoted to canine epilepsy as so many people will not know a thing about it. It's the kind of thing we need to share a lot. I am so glad to share and help!

    Marjorie and Toulouse
    Dash Kitten


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