Blog the Change for Animals: Pet Fire Safety Day; Are You Prepared?

Today is a double-duty day as it is not only my Flashback Friday Blog Hop, but also the Blog the Change for Animals and I am highlighting today's Pet Fire Safety Day in the infographic below, and also flashing back to very special, heart-wrenching, and inspirational story about a family's home that caught on fire with their Siberian Husky trapped inside. I talk with the family and the heroic neighbor about the disaster, the brave firefighters who helped to save Nanuk, tips on pet fire safety, and about the community that all came forward to help a Husky and family in need. The American Kennel Club (AKC) and ADT Security Services joined together in 2007 when the first Pet Fire Safety Day debuted. Next year will be the 10th Anniversary of this important day to remind us all about preparing and planning for our pets safety should a fire ever occur. While we all hope and pray a fire never starts in our homes and that our family and furfamily members are...