Happy New Year!

Welcome 2013! While we don't like to make resolutions, we do have some wishes and hopes for the New Year: Our wish is that 2013 is filled with good health, happiness, and wonder for all of our family, furkids, furpals, and their families. We hope for a cure for Canine Epilepsy. We wish for no more homeless, abandoned, or abused Huskies, or any animals any where ever again. We'd love no more cruciate problems. No more tumors or cancer both in the canine and human world. We wish and howl for the safety for our children, families, and pets. We pray for World peace. We wish for a very Happy New Year to all of our Blogger friends and furpals, readers, listeners, followers, and fans! It is such an honor to be part of this wonderful Bloggerville community and share our lives with each of you. We've made so many wonderful friends here and we've shared many happy life moments together, and we've also shared in the sad losses of several wonderful Blogger fur...