A Tale of Two Shelter Dogs: Blog the Change; October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month! Show Off Your Shelter Pet Contest! And FiveSibes/ASPCA GIVEAWAY!

“Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.” ~ Karen Davison Today, we are joining the Be the Change for Animals Blog the Change and with October being "Adopt A Shelter Dog Month" what more of a perfect time to talk about bringing awareness to the millions of dogs that enter shelters every year. As an advocate for the ASPCA , we here at FiveSibes wish to talk about adopting a dog from a shelter, whether it's a cute puppy, a 'tween, and especially senior dogs. My previous two angels, Sandy (above left with my daughter when she she was a toddler) and Chelsey (above right with my daughter when she was a teenager) were both adopted as puppies from our local SPCA. While I grew up in a household full of dogs and had my own as a teenager, our Sandy, a golden German Shepherd/Chow mix (I suspect a little Husky in there), was the first dog my husband and I welcomed in our home as a married couple. ...