
Showing posts from September, 2016

Throwback Thursday: National Coffee Day - I'll Take My Cup of Java With A Husky, or Five!

Or Five! 😉 Love me some Huskies  and Love me some java! My kind of day! Drink up! How do you like your coffee? Love the H usky mug? You could have one, too!  ( And there are other breeds!) Here's my affiliate link to order!        

Locked Out! (A BOL Moment!)

Not only are Siberian Huskies extremely smart, they are quite the characters, too! My daughter went out on the back deck to get Bandit in, only to be locked out of the the other three Huskies! Wolf, Chloe, and Harley were inside and apparently one or all tripped the lock when they jumped on the back door to see what was taking Bandit so long! I was in the other room when my daughter tried to open door, and I heard her exclaim, "Seriously? You guys locked me out?! How does this happen?!" when she discovered it had been locked, by the Huskies! Upon entering the kitchen, I saw Wolf and Chloe innocently sitting just staring up at her through the screen door, as if to say, "We didn't do it!"  My daughter may not have seen the humor in it since she had to wait for me to let her in, but I sure did! (I'm still laughing)! So the next time you step outside, be sure to bring a phone because you never know when your dog

Flashback Friday: Memories of Birthdays Past

With my birthday coming up, I have been reflecting back on how much has changed since last year's birthday when my family surprised me with a beautiful Gibson cake!  I had fun that day with him and the cake and now cherish we had that as no one knew what the year ahead held. Not only did I lose my beloved Mom in November, but then Gibson left to keep her company in December. My Flashbacks are from birthdays past that were shared with my amazing mother and beloved Gibson. Pictured here is my Mom and me with a Husky she gave me as part of my gift! This birthday almost closes out the year's "firsts" of holidays and celebrations without my Mom and my boy, Gibson, here with me.  I wish I could say it has gotten easier. It hasn't. I miss them both with all my heart every single day. I'm just learning to adjust my life to their not being part of it; the absence they have left is always felt. They will be forever be in my heart. "Those we lo

Pathology Report Is In: It's Fantastic News!

Harley says, "Thank woo, everyone, for all your kindness!" Harley Update: Wonderful news! The pathology report for Harley's dewclaw tumor was benign! Happy dance! It showed a deep infection, but no cancer! SO relieved! She had her bandages changed by our fab vet, and she is now limping less. (To read original post and view the pics, visit HERE ).   ❤️ Thank You ❤️ for all your prayers, healing vibes, lovely messages, and love for our girl. Harley sends you all big Husky hugs and once again a reminder to periodically check those paws and dewclaws.  

Harley Update: Home From Surgery!

Yesterday was a long day of waiting as Harley went in for her surgery to remove the infected dewclaw and tumor (see previous post and pics HERE ), but our Harley is back home! Surgery was performed by my "dream team" and it went well. Dewclaw and suspected tumor have been removed. Harley had a severe abscess deep in there. The vet sent off a sample, but preliminary report seems good, other than the infection.  Harley is currently on restricted rest, antibiotics, and pain medication, and she will have the bandage removed and a follow-up on Thursday. She was quite out of it from the anesthesia, but now is resting and more herself. We and the #FiveSibes Pupsters are just so happy she is back home! Chloe, since she loves to chill, is busy keeping her company! ❤️ THANK YOU ❤️ for all your amazing prayers, well wishes, and caring notes since my post about her surgery. Harley sure feels all the love! I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing and caring pet commun

#PrayersForHarley - Dewclaw Tumor

Dewclaws. Such an unnecessary evil for a dog. In August, I noticed Harley limping. At 11-and-a-half, she is a bit stiff-legged at times from arthritis, but this was a more pronounced limp and she was having an extra tough time sitting down. She seemed very uncomfortable. She was also becoming a bit snarley, especially when I was touching her paw, which is something that never typically bothers her. Upon further checking, I noticed an odd lump around her dewclaw on her right leg, thinking it was possibly a pulled dewclaw, maybe a splinter, thistle, or even a bee sting , she became extremely agitated when I touched it.    (Warning: some photos may be somewhat graphic, but I am sharing for educational purposes).   Oddity beneath the dew claw.   Off to the vet we went. At the vet, Harley is protective of her paw by hiding it . Harley's paw was shaved and it uncovered a very large inflamed area surrounding the dewclaw and beyond, as you can see in the below photo

9/11 Fifteen Years Later - We Will #AlwaysRemember; #NeverForget


Flashback Friday Visits Debut of Gibbie Snacks!

Woo! Today's FiveSibes Flashback Friday takes a fond look back to when "Gibbie Snacks" were first introduced, and named after my sweet (now furangel) Epi-dog, Gibson. It was the Summer of 2013...  As part of our Flashback Friday, here's our video featuring our star Siberian Husky, Gibson, when Gibbie Snacks were first introduced!   Do You Know the History of Gibbie Snacks?  Did you know they are named after our #FiveSibes #Epidog and #CanineEpilepsy spokesdog, "Gibson?" Did you know they are healthy, fresh baked-in-the-USA and formulated by the experts at House Woof Dog Biscuits with the canine epileptic in mind and are made from lean beef?  Did you know they never contain preservatives, salt, or rosemary (all possible triggers for seizures).   Did you know they always contain farm-fresh and mostly organic ingredients? Did you know they donate $1/bag sold to help other Epidogs in need via The Wally Foundation-

Paw Prints Forever on My Heart

I've really been missing my big sweet boy, Gibson...and today began as one of "those" days where his absence feels so overwhelming. Then, while out with the rest of the #FiveSibes on the deck this morning, I actually heard a fifth set of paws crossing the wooden floor as they were all coming back inside... Perhaps a visit, or his way of showing us he is always with us.  Paw Prints On My Heart You came into my heart one day, So beautiful and smart, My dear and sweet companion, I loved you from the start. And though I knew the time Would come, When we would have to part, You’ll never be forgotten, You left paw prints on my heart. ~Author Unknown #MissingGibson #LiveGibStrong #FiveSibesForever #LiveGibStrongForever   Shared via Missing My Pets at the Rainbow Bridge Facebook page. And, as coincidence would have it, after I posted Gib's photo on social media, I then hop over to link up to BlogPaws' Wordless Wednesd

A Pool Day for Labor Day!

    We hope everyone celebrating the Labor Day holiday is having a relaxing and enjoyable one! Why do we celebrate Labor Day here in the United States? According to the United States Department of Labor, " Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."  So, as summer winds down for us here, our Sibes are enjoying one of the few remaining warms days for some Siberian Husky Labor Day pool time fun before school begins.  (See our Back-to-School Pet Tips infographic ). What are you and your pets doing today?  Something fun, we hope!   

It's Back-to-School Time! Is Your Dog Ready?

  Labor Day Weekend is here! While it's technically summer until September 22nd, Labor Day weekend unofficially marks the end of summer here and thoughts surround notebooks, laptops, backpacks, and school supplies as next week marks Back-to-School time here in our area! While kids and parents may or may not be ready to get back in the educational swing, the question is, are your pets ready for the change? Here's a helpful FiveSibes infographic with our top tips to help make this time of year less stressful for the entire family ( and some of these tips are applicable to other pets as well! We had a dwarf bunny who would get so excited, he'd get bunny "zoomies" whenever my da ughter came home from school ! ): Click on image to make larger. Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend and have fun celebrating what's left of summer. And for those already in school, and to those about ready to begin, here's to a happy, safe, and successful school year for al