It's National Vet Tech Week! Have You Thanked Your Vet Tech? #WeHeartVetTechs!

--> We love our Vet Techs! We really do! We are so fortunate to have a great team of talented, caring professionals at Kingston Animal Hospital who really love the animals they care for and truly respect the pet parents. I enjoy visiting my veterinary office and so do my FiveSibes! My Huskies know the way to the office, and my Gibson looks forward to visits from the vet techs (and getting in a whole lot of Gibbie kisses!) In honor of National Vet Tech Week, we put together this video of some of our wonderful vet techs as they give K-Laser treatments to Gibson, and Harley, and you can see just how much Gibson enjoys all the attention! For him, it's "Spa Day" with some very special ladies! And we here at the FiveSibes say, "Thank You!" and #WeHeartVetTechs! Visit NAVTA HERE