Spring Ahead With Some Seasonal Pet Safety Tips ~ And Farewell to a Friend

Tomorrow morning at 2 AM we welcome Daylight Saving Time (DST) here and in many areas of the world...and after the deep arctic freeze and copious amounts of snow that has occurred in our area this year, we humans are certainly looking forward to being able to "spring" our clocks ahead an hour, which means...Spring is on its way with daylight giving us longer days to have more fun running, playing, swimming, and eating! (Can you say BBQ?! Nom-nommmms!) Daylight Saving Time is also the time of year we like to remind everyone about some very important seasonal health and safety tips: PET MEDICATIONS TIME : If your pet is on specifically timed medications (like our Epi-Husky Gibson who is on meds he must take 12 hours apart), you can help reset your pet's internal clock for these medications by staggering them by a half-hour starting on Sunday. Example: If your pet had been receiving their dosages at 7:30 AM before DST, then under the f...