K9 School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days on a #FiveSibes #FlashbackFriday!

#Flashback Photo ~ 2014 ~ Bandit Most hu-kids have gone back to school by now, many just starting this week! Here, the hu-kids went back yesterday! So, we're dedicating this week's #FlashbackFriday to when our pupster Bandit was all ready with her backpack for when she went to canine school! This particular year she was five years old and I brought her over to our trainer when I discovered she had some deafness. I picked up some great tips and I eventually took over and trained Bandit with hand signals so she would keep right up with her siblings Wolf and Chloe, and big brother Gibson and momma Harley! She caught on quick, and unless someone knew, no one could even guess that she was hearing impaired. Dogs are so amazing and very inspirational! Pictured here, our girl was all about studying...her language of choice? Why Dog, of course! BOL! Affiliate Notice: As an Amazon affiliate, if you click on our links below and make a purchase, we will rec...