Rainbows are Messages in the Sky

I believe William Wordsworth had it right. Every time I see a rainbow my heart does indeed leap. When we lose a faithful companion, I'd like to think it's their way of sending us a message of their safe arrival beyond the Rainbow Bridge and how they will always be with us...and the rainbow serves as a beautiful reminder of that. Today, we'd like to say goodbye to a Blogger friend of many of ours... Mango , who just Wednesday morning, suddenly embarked upon his final journey to a land where he can run and roll and be...Mango! We also send our heartfelt condolences and Husky hugs to the Mango Momma. Mango was one of the featured Canine Epilepsy dogs in my awareness video showing how being an Epi-Dog did not slow him down in life. You can check out this brave warrior, who beat that Seizure Monster for the last year of his life and keeping it away, never to return, at marker :48. I'm sure Mango is now up in the rolling green hills of the heavens, boldly w...