Newsy Tuesday: Exciting Writing Award!

In the words of my FiveSibes, "Wooooo!" I have been a long-time member of the Dog Writers of America Association (DWAA), and was thrilled to have some of my work recognized! Last year's nominations included my FiveSibes "The Sibe Vibe" Dog Works Radio show on Canine Epilepsy, featuring Dr. Karen Munana and Julie Nettifee of North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine; for a photograph of Gibson, and for my humorous "Vote Gibson!" blog post. This year, I was once again so proud to have my work receive nominations for a photo of Wolf and for my blog article on my two shelter dogs I adopted from our local SPCA. But, to have received the news that I won the prestigious Maxwell Medallion medal for my blog article, out of 8 other finalists who are all talented writers, I am honored! As a career photojournalist, at the end of the day, it has always been my sincere hope that my stories touch people in a special and unique way....