#FlashbackFriday: Remembering Sweet Chloe on Her Rainbow Bridge Anniversary Week

FiveSibes #Flashback ~ Baby "Chloe" ~ 2008 W here does the time go? After we lose a beloved pet, we are immersed into a surreal reality...where at first each day feels like a year...and then one day, that year becomes five...FIVE years ago this week on the 22nd, our pack sweetheart, and my daughter's dog, Chloe, earned her furangel wings quite suddenly, and shockingly after she went into sudden severe liver failure. How can it be five years? In some ways, it feels like yesterday, while at the same time, it's been a while since hearing her woos. So today's flashback is in honor of our sweet "Coco" and a look back over the wonderful years we've had her. This girl was not only a sweetheart, super trained, loved her littermates Bandit and Wolfie, and being member of the FiveSibes family with Harley and Gibson, and she was so devoted to my daughter, and the talker of our pack! Chloe and her siblings brother "Wolfie" and sister "Bandit...