#FlashbackFriday: Remembering Sweet Chloe on Her Rainbow Bridge Anniversary Week

FiveSibes #Flashback ~ Baby "Chloe" ~ 2008

Where does the time go? After we lose a beloved pet, we are immersed into a surreal reality...where at first each day feels like a year...and then one day, that year becomes five...FIVE years ago this week on the 22nd, our pack sweetheart, and my daughter's dog, Chloe, earned her furangel wings quite suddenly, and shockingly after she went into sudden severe liver failure. How can it be five years? In some ways, it feels like yesterday, while at the same time, it's been a while since hearing her woos. So today's flashback is in honor of our sweet "Coco" and a look back over the wonderful years we've had her.

This girl was not only a sweetheart, super trained, loved her littermates Bandit and Wolfie, and being member of the FiveSibes family with Harley and Gibson, and she was so devoted to my daughter, and the talker of our pack!


Chloe and her siblings brother "Wolfie" and sister "Bandit" - the Three Musketeers were inseparable from the day we brought them home!

Chloe was such a trooper, too. From having both of her CCLs blow out at the same time when she just three and we had to rush her to a State Police dog surgeon for emergency double imbrication surgery. Carrying her in was scary, seeing her walk out two days later with the help of a sling, was a miracle! (You can read when she came home and "woooed" us all HERE)

Chloe loved running across our yard with her siblings: 
sister Bandit, big bro Gibson, and brother Wolfie!


Chloe rehabbed beautifully, cozy in my daughter's room while she healed. Eventually, she was running with the pack again, and what a joy to see.

Chloe with Harley, and siblings Wolfie and Bandit waiting on dinner!

 Another time, Chloe had some type of winter allergic reaction to something--we surmised she was bit by what we believe was a spider or some arctic-loving bug and her face swelled up so much, her face was almost round and her eyes mere slits. Thankfully, she recuperated well from that. You can read all about poor Chloe's allergic reaction HERE.

As if all that wasn't rough enough for our girl, there was the time we switched flea & tick preventative as they were out of our usual to a brand (I'll call "T" and it rhymes with Alexis) she was temporarily blinded for over 24 hours! (As a result, our vet pulled that brand from the shelf and there has been many complaints since). We never used that brand again! And once again, thankfully, our sweet Chloe pulled through.


Shhhh...Chloe doing her favorite thing besides eating...snoozing!

 Oh, how Chloe loved to...snooze! (I bet you thought I'd say 'run' since she's a Siberian Husky!) Chloe didn't meet a couch, chair, or bed that she didn't love and make her own. And whenever I need a quick photo for a blog post for a book or toy, Chloe was my go-to model as she always knew just how to pose! She was a natural!

Oh, that sweet face. Who could refuse her anything?!

Sweet Chloe was a gentle soul. She never ever even entertained a thought of being grumpy; not a mean bone in her fuzzy body. She was just the nicest, sweetest, most behaved girl. And...she was a talker! I mean, more so than any of our Huskies! As I mentioned earlier, even after her emergency double CCL surgeries, she chattered away! (Which was a wonderful sign!) If she was a child we'd call her a chatterbox! BOL! And if it had anything to do with food or treats, oh, sweet Chloe was first in line at the mere sound of a wrapper or box of treats, and she'd let you know she was waiting! 

Oh, how I do miss all that wooing and chattering now. Who thought those fabulous FiveSibes days would ever end?

Chloe truly was the sweetest dog.


đź’–Forever in our hearts đź’–



"Do not dwell in the past, 
do not dream of the future, 
concentrate the mind 
on the present moment." ~Buddha


đź’› Memories Are Visits For the Heart đź’›


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  1. Awww, suh sweet flashbacks of that beautiful Angel Chloe.

  2. WHat a trooper Chloe was with everything she went through and she was such a beautiful girl. So glad you were able to rescue the trio and that Chloe was a part of them. Sending love and hugs. ♥

  3. Aww, such a beautiful angel that sweety Chloe was. Sending you gentle thoughts as you recall your sweet baby. ❤️‍đź©ą

  4. Sweet and pretty girl - Chloe reminds us a lot of both Lightning and Dakota, our first white Sibe. Hugs on this special day of remembering your precious girl.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  5. Wow she had a life of love and total drama and devastating good looks! But oh my goodness that blindness must have been terrifying for you all and I glad she recovered and action was taken, I can't think of anything more frightening.

    I do however want to finish with a note about your quote from Buddha. What mighty words, and ones some of us need right now. Brilliant.

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  6. Chloe was precious and beautiful and I'm glad she was part of your pack where she could be properly appreciated.

  7. What a lovely tribute to such a fighter. I can't imagine how terrifying it was for her and the humans in her pack when she suddenly went blind. Thankfully it was temporary and at least you got the product removed. Thanks for sharing such special memories of Chloe.

  8. That was a lovely memorial. I was discussing the loss of our first dog the other day. It almost knocked the breath out of me to realize she left us almost 30 years ago. Time passes but the love remains.

  9. She was beautiful, I loved the photo of her sleeping and you calling her Chatterbox really made me giggle. I am so enjoying your Flashback Fridays as you sharing with us is opening my eyes also as to how unique Huskies are, and how blessed you were to have shared your life with them. Sending you a big hug

  10. Time is both kind and cruel, isn't it? I ebb and flow how I feel about time. Chloe certainly was a major sweetheart. WOW she went through a lot and to never be down or upset is truly amazing! We can learn a lot for our fur kids. That's so scary about the flea and tick medication. Chemicals or any medication is such a gamble, but sometimes you just need to take it because the pay off can be big. I'm glad you knew what was causing Chloe's blindness and she recovered well. I always look forward to your throw backs and this was no exception. I'm sending sweet hugs to you, your daughter, your family, Chloe, and your entire Fur Angel pack.


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