Today's Moments Are Tomorrow's Memories

My vision of the Rainbow Bridge. This post I'd like to dedicate to a beautiful Siberian Husky who recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge - Kodiak, the furchild of one of our blogpals so many of us have the pleasure of "knowing" - The Thundering Herd. Since hearing the news, I have been thinking a lot about life, our furbabies, and the Rainbow Bridge (and North of the Rainbow Bridge, that I just learned about from The Herd. A special place where Siberian Huskies roam after their life here on earth has passed). We hear of so many passings, yet this one in particular has really touched me. Chelsey ♥ 1994 - 2007 I have given the FiveSibes more hugs, kisses, and whispers of love in hopes of extending our precious time together. I have reflected back on other dogs I've been fortunate to have part of my life, all of whom I miss to this day. Also many thoughts to my late Chelsey, whom I rescued as a pup from a pound. I wish I had more time with her to do more things w...