Sibe siblings share a laugh on April Fools' Day

And just what do you think these two Sibe siblings were talking about??? Possibly something like this... "Bandit, it was so funny. Wooo-woooo!" "What was so funny,Gib?" "The prank. The April Fools' Day prank." "What did woo do, big brother??? Tell me, tell me!" "I told your sister I ate the last salmon treat....oh, woo-woo...her expression was priceless!" "Did woo, did woo???" "Did I what?" "Did woo eat the last salmon treat?" "No, little girl. It was a joke." "Ohhh. But, that wasn't funny...." "Guess woo had to be there." Thought for the day: "He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever."--Chinese Proverb Happy April Fools' Day from the FiveSibes!