Blessings of the Pet

Many pet owners worldwide welcome October 4 with open arms for it is the feast day for St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and many churches worldwide will be holding “The Blessing of the Pets” ceremonies. Regardless of individual religious convictions, St. Francis’ message is a unique one that all loving pet owners share, that it is the “…duty of men to protect and enjoy nature....” for which all animals are part of. One of the more famous tales is the “Wolf of Gubbio” story where in this small town, St. Francis was told about the existence of a vicious wolf that lived in Gubbio’s countryside. All efforts on the part of the townsfolk failed to capture or chase the wolf away. It is told that St. Francis went out to seek the wolf, carrying no weapon or threatening attitude. He found the wolf and spoke to him to repent for all the harm he had done.The wolf then lay at St. Francis’ feet. He then led the wolf back into town to the startled people and an agr...