Thank You to Vet Techs from the FiveSibes!

Woo! We here at FiveSibes l-o-v-e our vet techs at Kingston Animal Hospital ! The loving and amazing care they have always given my pets - the FiveSibes and our kitties Smokie and Binx, goes beyond a job - their care comes from their hearts! As many of you know, my boy Gibson had many special needs stemming from his Canine Epilepsy that required much extra care (laser therapy on his weak hind end, CCL tear healed through Conservative Care Treatment/Management, a suspicious growth removal, and even at the end when he was suddenly stricken with a bleeding spleen and diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma and required IV drip and medication), some of which he required in-home care and treatments as he could not be transported. Our vet techs were right there not only caring for him, but loving him as well. I could not have done all what I did without them and our fabulous vet team. So today, we want to say a huge heartfelt "Thank You" to all of "Gibson's...