#LostPuppy - Siberian Husky "Bella"

EVENING PUPDATE : I AM SOOOOOO happy to report that as of tonight, almost a week after she was reported stolen, missing Husky puppy "Bella" is back home safely in her hu-mom's arms!!! What a happy ending story!!! Check out the reunion photo of pup and hu-mom below! Beautiful "Bella" of Sassy's Goodies in Missouri has been reported stolen from their property. Bella is Sassy the Husky's baby. Her family, with assistance from law enforcement, is frantically trying to find her. According to Bella's hu-mom, there is a reward for her safe return. Please visit Sassy's Goodies Facebook page HERE for updates, more photos, and videos. Please keep an eye out for Bella's photo in your groups, lost and found pet pages, and ads in newspapers. We hope and pray sweet Bella is returned home safe and soon to her very worried family. PUPDATE REUNION PHOTO: Bella and her hu-mom, Nanette, are all Husky hugs and smiles! Thank you to all w...