#FiveSibes Fourth of July Safety Tips & ASPCA Celebrates "ID Your Pet Day" With an #IDsPlease Summer #Giveaway!

Today is July 1st - the ASPCA 's "ID Your Pet Day" and we are joining in their "ID's, Please!" to help raise awareness about the importance of tagging pets with a personalized ID with the pet's current information, as well as having pets microchipped (and if your pet already has a microchip implanted, please be sure the information on file is current). "This holiday is especially timely as it's just a few days prior to July 4th - the time of year when many pets go missing due to fireworks and other loud noises." ~ ASPCA Speaking of July 4th, our U.S. celebration of Independence Day, America's Birthday, we do so enjoy many holiday traditions, such as parades, BBQs, picnics, pool parties, and watching firework s displays. But, along with all these wonderful summer-loving events, extra caution and care is required with our pets to ensure their safety and happiness as well. Topping the list is fireworks. While they can b...