Earth Day 2013 - The (Furry) Faces of Climate Change; Helping to Reduce Our Pets' Carbon Pawprints

The FiveSibes love the Earth and sure hopes everyone else does, too. After all, it's the only planet we have and if we don't care for it, who will? We must think not just of ourselves, but of future generations as well. This year, we are joining in the Earth Day 2013 "Faces of Climate Change," so let's be good to our Earth. Here at the FiveSibes, we have some tips to measure your dog's carbon pawprint. For a full (free) version of my Earth Day article and photos, please visit page 24 of the recent issues (Vol.2/Issue 2) of AMERICAN PET MAGAZINE . Here's a sneak peak: Here's some tips from my article to help everyone "think green" when it comes to our pets and their pet care, and help to reduce not only our carbon footprints, but their carbon pawprints as well: Walk your dog whenever possible instead of going by car. Use recycle shopping bags when going grocery shopping for your supplies and food. Feed your pet their food ...