Happy Husky New Year! Welcome 2012!

Happy Husky New Year! by Dorothy Wills-Raftery H uskies are beautiful with eyes so bright. A nd they are intelligent and very sprite. P ulling sleds or P ulling apart toys Y ou will love them all; girls and boys! H owling is their native song U nderstanding where they belong. S pirit guides speaking the unspoken K eeping us safe by their side Y et always willing to work and to ride. N ome owes the Sibe since twenty-five E veryone knows their story and pride; W hether snow or ice, never they hide. Y ou can’t keep a Husky from running E ven then they are truly stunning. A ll they want is a Hu-family to love; R eal fur angels sent from above. Wishing all of our furpals and their hu-families a very happy and healthy 2012!