Forever Friends on a Flashback Friday!

Flashback Photo Collage: 2015 Oh, what a fun and sweet memory is today's Flashback photo! Our trip down Memory Lane stops off in 2015 when Gibson (with little bro Wolf looking on) video chatted on my laptop with my friend Jeanette's beautiful girl, Faith! (As you can see, my boy Gibson knew his way around a keyboard!) While both Gibson and Faith have now journeyed to North of the Rainbow Bridge, I'm pretty sure they are hanging out together, loving all this snow, and having a good howl at today's post! May we all cherish our friendships and our memories of the special little moments in life that bring us smiles, over and over again. “Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.” ~Washington Irving A note from the FiveSibes: Our FiveSibesMom took a little spill on the ice after a bad storm, and fractured ...