
Showing posts from July, 2012

Beware of Change: How a Capsule Compound Change Resulted in Bromide Toxicity

  After three-and-a-half years of having things pretty steady with my Epi-Husky Gibson, I've just recently had a bit of a scare. First, let me start by saying, Gibson is doing much better now. I decided to wait to post about his ordeal until after his bloodwork came back and I had a full report to post. Flashback a little more than three weeks ago. It had been time to refill Gibson’s Potassium Bromide (KBr) prescription, which is one of the meds’combination he is taking for Canine Epilepsy. (He is also on Phenobarbital, and also Thyrotabs as his thyroid became an issue, too, which is not an uncommon link for canines with seizures).  The 300 mg KBr Capsules When I picked up his prescription from my vet, the 1,000 mg capsules were the same, but I noticed that the 300 mg capsules were smaller in size (as you can see from this photo, they are more than half the size of the original) and had more of a crystallized appearance as opposed to the more powder-like material in th

Waiting out the Storm in a Husky Hide-Away

  We are in for some severe weather, so we are battening down the hatches. The Sibe kids are all inside safe and snug waiting out the storm as the skies have grown dark and gray and the thunder has stated. Pictured here, Bandit and Harley have found their Husky hide-away to wait out the storm in! Let's all be safe whoever is in the red belt of storms crossing the country. And don't forget to include your pets in your emergency storm planning.

Chloe Getting Back (Sort of) with the Pack on a Wordless Wednesday


It's Another Hot One...Pool Party!!!


Uniting for Rights of Dogs and A Gift Pack Giveaway

Today is a very important day in the's Bloggers Unite for the Rights of Dogs day. The Be the Change for Animals (BtC4A) has proudly partnered with Blog Catalog and Dog Rescue Success ...and all of us..."to harness a global online community to help save the lives of dogs in need." Since this is such an important issue, today's post is a tad on the long side, but filled with lots of info, available Huskies from rescues, and even a prize pack giveaway! So kick back, put your feet up, gather your pets around and please read this longer than usual post. You'll be glad you did! So what does all this Uniting for the Rights of Dogs mean? It means that while one voice for the rights of dogs is commendable, many voices joining together is what it will take to make change and benefit dogs and future generations of dogs by uniting now against puppy mills and pledging "No Pet Store Puppies." My family has adopted shelter and rescue animals

Cat Watching From the Shadows

Wolf watching Binx...or is it Binx watching Wolf?     “Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.” ~Jean de La Fontaine  Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Love Needs No Words

(Welcoming kisses for her mommy, my daughter, as today was  Chloe's first day venturing out into the living room!)

For K

We here at the FiveSibes were so saddened to learn that K of Romping and Rolling in the Rockies has lost her battle with cancer, so today's blog is in her honor. If there ever was a soul we truly believed would overcome, it was beautiful K. To look at her gorgeous photos and see her so full of beauty and spirit and read about all of her adventures with R and Hu-mom KB, it just seemed so impossible to think she would one day not be here. We send our heartfelt condolences to K's family and our Huskies are sending soft woos toward Heaven where K is now happily climbing those beautiful mountains beyond the Rainbow Bridge. Run with wind, indeed, beautiful girl. Tonight, there will be lots of extra hugs and kisses with our furkids. As KB says, seize the day for we do not know what tomorrow holds. Be grateful for the gift of love we receive each and every moment from our family - both two- and four-legged members. KB and R, this is for you:    "Walk on a rainbow t

My Dogs Are Cool...Are Yours? Be the Change for Animals and Keep Them Safe From the Heat

My dogs are cool…are yours? Harley is one cool Husky. Okay, so we’re bragging a little…our dogs ARE cool…but I will get to why in just a moment.  First, before we start talking about why our dogs cool, let's talk about what the significance of today is. Today is "Blog the Change for Animals," which is part of "Be the Change for Animals (BtC4A),"   and we are joining other pet lovers and advocates across the globe to Blog the Change about a cause that is important to us.  Be the Change! According to BtC4A, Blog the Change is when we, the pet community, "Come together to support people helping animals in need each 15th of January, April, July and October. Bloggers, write about a cause near and dear to  your  heart." Previously, I have blogged about Canine Epilepsy Awareness , which is very near and dear to my heart, and Helping Huskies in Need . I've also participated in Blog the Change for Animals about Pet Fire Safety and P