"Go Furry" this Friday and support Take Your Dog To Work Day

Are you ready to "GO FURRY" this Friday? Our Harley girl is all ready busy working (she's on break, that's why she's checking out Facebook!) So who else is taking their furbaby to work on Friday, which is Take Your Dog To Work Day (TYDTWD)? If you have not yet heard of it, TYDTWD was established in 1999 by Pet Sitters International when 300 businesses first participated. Today, thousands participate all in the effort to promote pet adoption. Does your office participate? If so, let’s hear how. Are you a freelancer or independent contractor whose canine companion assists in the home office with taking out the trash (your files), disposing of unused items (chewing up your supplies), and Emailing customers (sending notes to random strangers when their paws hit the keys)? If so, drop me a line and tell me how you and your dog plan on spending TYDTWD. Be sure to visit the adorable TYDTWD video below to discover the Top Ten reasons for taking your best furry friend ...