A Chat With Gibson Marks 6-Month Anniversary

A chat with Gibson. ( Video may not play on mobile devices ). Today marks the six-month anniversary of the day that my sweet big wooly boy, Gibson, journeyed North of the Rainbow Bridge. I so miss him. I loved and miss all of our wonderful "conversations," how he would say, "Love You!" and the stomping of his big polar bear paw for emphasis! The above video clip is bittersweet - bitter, of course, because he is no longer physically here, but oh-so-sweet because the memory brings a smile to my face and just floods me with joy as I remember all the wonderful days like this one. With all the challenges he faced being an Epi-dog, he was beautiful, brave, so very silly, and just the happiest Husky! He was, and always will be, my inspiration to push on during the hard times, lay back and enjoy the good times, and always greet each day with a big smile, just like he did. Six months. Half a year. So very hard to believe. “The strangeness of Time. ...