Spa Day Snow Furries Just Blowin' in the Wind...

"Woo...and there was water and a blowdryer..." So today was "Spa Day" for four out of the FiveSibes (Chloe is still convalescing, so she escaped the dreaded bath!) Out of the four, two had baths and two had just the blow-outs and trim. (Gibson has been feeling under the weather due to a change in his epi-meds compound, so we excused him from the bath this time around). It seems while us hu-family members really love it when the Sibe kids get all deep-cleaned and groomed, for them not so much. With lots of crying and howling (Wolf, above), thrashing around (Bandit), and a little grumbling (Harley), our groomer managed to get them all looking fluffy, clean, and beautiful! The girls Harley and Bandit looking all pretty! Gibson was trimmed up nice and neatly. At the end of the day, what does Spa Day really mean? Here, where we have a groomer who does house calls, it means there's snow furries just blowin' in the wind...and across the deck, ...