Woo! Doggies in the Window

"Woo! Hey, Mom. Whatchya doing outside?" FiveSibes #Flashback ~ Bandit, Wolf & Harley ~ June 2012 T his was my (p)awesome view when I was out on the back deck one early June day writing by the pool. Even with the A/C on, I always left the window up a bit so they could see me and I could talk with them while they stay cool. Looking back now, their expressions crack me up. They must have thought I was weird being on the outside looking in! How was this 12 years ago, when in my mind's eye, it seems like just last spring? “The window is an invitation to pause and ponder, to witness the magic of life unfolding." ~Unknown 💛 Memories Are Visits for the Heart 💛 Join Us! The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Please include our badge and *link back to us*, and be sure to hop along down Memory Lane with us and visit the other ...