
Showing posts from November 14, 2022

November Epilepsy Awareness Month: Epi-Star: GIBBS

   Epi-Star, Gibbs       by Dorothy Wills-Raftery     It’s time for another FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong National Epilepsy Awareness Month Epi-Star Feature! I’m so happy to introduce everyone to Gibbs…yes, another amazing “Gib” but with two “b”s, who is also an Epi-dog. This “Gibbs” is a beautiful Labradoodle (his mom is a Labradoodle and his dad is a Poodle), and he and his mom, Tracy Smith, head up the GIBBS-erish...Making Sense of Canine Epilepsy, a fairly new Canine Epilepsy Facebook group.   Gibbs’ story is a familiar and frightening story many of Epi-dog families and caregivers can certainly relate to. Says Tracy, “It started with a noise that was uncharacteristic in our home. Upon my investigation, I walked into our living room to find Gibbs convulsing on the floor.   He had fallen off the couch and was stuck between the coffee table and couch.   I thought he was dying.   Here, enters, epilepsy and o...