
Showing posts from November, 2012

Flashback Friday #11: Pupsters Meet Their Big Brother Gibson

A flashback moment to March of 2008 when we first at almost two months old, we brought home "The Pupsters" - littermates Wolf, Bandit, and Chloe. Pictured here are baby Wolf and Bandit meeting big brother Gibson for the very first time! "A brother is a friend God gave you; a friend is a brother your heart chose for you." ~Proverb * * * * * * * * * * * * * Special Announcement! * Please be sure to stop back here on Saturday for a very special drawing we will be doing! You won 't want to miss entering!     Grab our badge and join in! You can join our Flashback Friday Blog Hop up to a week after this posting! To catch up on past Flashback Fridays, visit us here: Flashback Friday #10: Run, Wolf, Run!   Flashback Friday #9: A Bandit Steals Our Heart  Flashback Friday #8: Brotherly love   Flashback Friday #7: Pupsters' First Bath Flashback Friday #6: The Originals   Flashback Friday #5: Mother

Monday Musings: Take Time to Enjoy the Seasons!


A Little R&R for Gibson

Wolf keeping big bro Gibson company while he heals. So a little update on my Epi-Husky, Gibson. We've had a little setback with is weak hind end issues as a result of his Epi-meds. He is currently lame in his right leg. After an exam by the vet, his leg is okay and it seems he has a bit of arthritis developing in his hip, which we knew about and he is on natural supplements for. It is our thought that after his Epi-med reduction of the Potassium Bromide (remember his bout of severe toxicity a while back due to the pharmaceutical company changing capsule formulation?) he has become - thankfully - much more alert and energetic, so much so that he is running and jumping, and engaging in "polar bearing" with the other Sibes. It's our belief that he overtaxed his hip. He is currently on rest, a round of NSAIDs, and - bless our vet team - he will be receiving in-home K-LaserUSA treatments several times this week so I can keep him resting and not try to

Flashback Friday #10: Run, Wolf, Run!

I can remember this Flas hback p hoto as if it was yesterday. We had just turned t he three six-month old Pupsters out to run free in the yard along with Har ley and Bandit, and Wolf took off with the wind at h is feet. The sheer joy in his face as his Siberian Husky ancestral trait of running kicked in was just amazing to see. ..and it still is!  I r ead this p oem over on and th ought it fit pe r fectly! Hope you enjoy it as well.   Lone Wolf Runs on Wilderness Tundra ~by Terence George Craddock I just am alive delighting in running in wilderness I am the lone wolf running wild on the tundra the song of the wind is freedom in my fur the song of the wing across the steeps the sky runs as my companion running water my talisman mountains my rest pillow freedom running my home freedom running life pulse * * *   To catch up on past Flashback Fridays, visit us here:   Flashback Friday #9: A Bandit Steals Our Heart  Flashback Frida

Happy Thanksgiving!

  A house filled with delicious smells of a turkey cooking in the oven, happy woos from the FiveSibes, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on the TV (the Sibe kids like watching it!), and anticipation of visiting with family and dear friends fills today with love and joy. We are so thankful for our family, including our Sibe kids and kitty Binx; good health and happiness, old friends and new friends, and all of our furpals and families that we have conne cted with near and far through Blogger and social networking . May your day be filled with joy and happiness, and many things to be thankful for.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Boycott Boring: Kyjen's New Outward Hound Backpack & Leash Mate Area "Must Haves!"

"Woo! Like my new cool backpack?" Our Bandit, who is partially deaf, is starting school to learn commands via a vibration collar and sign language. In perfect timing, I recently received a new Outward Hound Backpack in blue from the Kyjen company to test and review. First, let me just say that this backpack is awesome! There are two large pockets with plenty of room for leashes, treats, toys, and even a mesh zippered pocket so it can safely carry her vibration collar and remote to class. It's amazing just how much room is in this pack.  Lots of space for essentials! The best part was when I hooked it all up on Bandit. She's never had any type of pack or coat on her, and when I put on the Outward Hound backpack, she didn't even flinch! Even while out walking to school, Bandit did not seem to mind having it on at all, which tells me it is quite comfortable for the dog. The pack also has reflective trim that is great when walking in the dark. Prices range

What Is My Dog Thinking? Our 500th Post!

Wolf kept his word! No chomping here! We all know our dogs think....a lot! Did you ever find yourselves wondering at times just exactly what t heir thoughts were ? Well, a few weeks ago we put out a call for some "Thinking" photos (no shaming here!) and we received so many great pic tures and lots of proof that our dogs are indeed thinking lots of different thoughts - some pretty funny and some very sweet! So go fetch some snacks for you and your furkid(s) and enjoy this video slideshow (o ur 500th post! Woo!) featuring gorgeous furpals from across the World sharing their inner most thoughts with us! You may even recognize a few furry faces!

Flashback Friday #9: A Bandit Steals Our Heart

Our  Baby Bandit, our "Thunder Paws" and "Crazy Girl" - she can run like the wind, fly through the air with the greatest of speed, and never pay attention to the humans she bruises when she lands! Her happy place is wherever a hand is to give her a belly rub, or a face she can kiss! She is most definitely a contrast in personalities! Unbeknownst to us at the time, her monicker would be a perfect fit. She was named due to her mask markings resembling a bandit's mask, but she grew up to be a real thief! Bandit loves to steal all the toys, bones, stuffies, and beds that belong to the other Sibe kids. She will pile them all under her and guard them. If she's in a chair, she'll grumble at any Sibe who walks by her "territory." Yet, she will instantly roll over for a belly rub from the hu-family. Bandit is not big on sharing, but she is - and has been since a pup - the most patient one of the pack. When asked to sit, she will immediately and then

A Husky "Haroo" to Hollywood!

Along the famous stars of canine greats Rin-Tin-Tin and Lassie, and most recently, Uggie, on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, maybe we will see one complete with pawprints in the cement for a Siberian Husky named Dakota. Who is Dakota, you ask? Well, go grab the popcorn for the hu-family and some treats for the furkids…we’re going to the movies! Dakota Director Martin Bentsen Recently, I had the opportunity to catch up with writer, photographer, and film director Martin Bentsen, currently of New York City, whose latest movie-in-the-making, Dakota: Dedicated to My Best Friend , features a Siberian Husky as the main co-star! The premise of the movie, is “ After causing a tragic accident, Kurt Lawson’s life free falls into despair and guilt and he believes that nothing can turn it around, until he finds Dakota, a Siberian Husky who is much more than just any ordinary dog.”   A Sibe Star is Born Here is the synopsis from Dakota: The Movie website: “Late one night, th

Remembering and Honoring Our Veterans

Today is Veterans Day - on this 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month , I write today's annual remembrance post to thank all those who have served our country, both human and canine. Please take some time to watch this beautiful U.S War Dog Association's tribute to our military veterans and our K9 veterans on th is (click on link to go to photo gallery) K9 Wall of Honor. One does not typically think of the Siberian Husky as a war dog , but as I have written about in the past, according to the United States War Dog Association , in "January, 1942, not long after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the American Kennel Association and a new group calling itself ' Dogs for Defense ' mobilized dog owners across the country to donate quality animals to the Army's Quartermaster Corps." Among the breeds used was the Siberian Husky. According to the United States War Dog Association, when the

Flashback Friday #8: Brotherly Love

❤ Gibson and little bro Wolfgang! ❤ "A brother is a friend provided  by nature." ~Legouve Pere To catch up on past Flashback Fridays, visit us here: Flashback Friday #7: Pupsters' First Bath Flashback Friday #6: The Originals   Flashback Friday #5: Mothe rhood Flashback Friday #4: Puppy Power Flashback Friday #3: A Queen is Born! Flashback Friday #2 : Welcome Home Gibson Flashback Friday #1: Flashback is Born! We hope you'll join us each week to kick ing off the weekend with a stroll down Memory Lane by posting pics of your furbabies when they were younger on your blog, website, Facebook page, or Twitter,  then copy our badge, link it to our blog site, and then join this Linkys list with your site's URL. Don't forget to hop over and visit the other hoppers' sites too! 

Newsy Tuesday! A Husky in Congress?

Woo! It's me Gibson...I took control of Mom's laptop today to talk about Election Day. First, a little disclaimer. * T hese photos are not in support of, or against, any particular parties, especially those who may share my name! These are for some Bloggerville fun! I mean , after all , it's not every day a Husky f inds his name posted all over the town, the news, and TV! * Speaking of shared names...while I was riding around town with my Mom, imagine my surprise when I saw I was running for Congress! Woo! When I saw the first sig n that said "Gibson" - I wooed and poked at the car window with m y nose so Mom wo uld see. But she said she already knew.   I was so excited! That's a really good name! I s hould know! So I asked Mom if I had a cam paign office like other human candidates...and she said 'Yes!' Woooo! I wanted to see my office, so we drove over... I was so excited when we pulled in. I was greeted by a really BIG bulletin b

Live Gib Strong: November is (Canine) Epilepsy Awareness Month. Send Us Your Stories!

"I hope we can help other Epi-Dogs." N ovember is Epilepsy Awareness Month and the perfect time to talk about Canine Epilepsy (CE). As many of you know, I am the parent to an Epi- D og, my Siberian Husky, Gibson, who was diagnosed shortly after his third birthday in 2009. I have written many times about Gibson's experiences and my book, What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy was based on those experiences and shared in an illustrated book perfect for young children to learn about seizures and Canine Epilepsy in a non-scary and helpful way.  First, I have to say, it took me a couple years to be able to step out from behind the fear of Canine Epilepsy to actually talk about it. As any Epi- d og parent can tell you, when you are having a good day, you d o not want to even whisper it in case the "seizure monster" hear s and decide s to come back with a veng e an ce. E very moment, that turns into a day that turns into a week that turns i