
Showing posts from April, 2015

Lumps, Bumps & Growths: Are They Normal? Maybe. But, Always Have Them Checked.

Gibson and his gal Harley After a couple recent scares, I wanted to discuss lumps, bumps, and growths on a dog's skin. Recently, both Gibson and Wolf have required attention for growths.  Gibson  has had one on his right knee for almost two years. It started off as a simple skin tag. Normal color. Nothing alarming, other than I don't like bumps on my furbabies.  *There are some photos in this post that are a bit unpleasant.* Skin tag turned weird growth. But knowing dogs, like humans, can get these "tags" as they get older. I constantly monitored it and had my vet team monitor it, and we covered it when he received laser treatments. ( Laser treatments are amazing for healing wounds, arthritis, etc., but not for growths because while it works on a cellular level and is just amazing for healing, the flip side is it can stimulate growths, tumors, etc. to grow. It's always important to discuss and review your dog's case with your vet prior to star

Chilling Out on a Wordless Wednesday!

Gibson loves his cooler bed & outdoor deck "Husky cabana!" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  

Love in a Merry Monday Meme

Today's great meme is this (p)awesome pic by Jordyn Kerr of her two beautiful dogs Mika the Husky and Epi-dog, Chloe, who are best friends! The perfect winning caption is by Donna Kilmetis of Husky Tales . "When it hurts to look back, and you're afraid to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there." ~Unknown Our FiveSibes™ Merry Meme Caption Contest is periodically hosted over on our FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews Facebook page featuring gorgeous Siberian Huskies and clever memes suggested by and voted by on our readers. Mondays have you down? Come join us each week for some Merry Memes and lots of smiles! Would you like to see your Husky or northern breed featured in a meme? Post your pic on our Facebook page or Email it to us at FiveSibesHuskyNews(at)gmail(dot)com and put "Meme Caption Contest" in subject line! We'll post

"The Sibe Vibe" and ASPCA Talk #GetTough, Pet Safety, and Role of Social Media in Helping Dogs in Need

Today's ‪‎ FiveSibes‬ ‪"‎ The Sibe Vibe"‬ on Dog Works Radio features ASPCA Senior Manager of Social Media OLIVIA MELIKHOV. A very informative show where we discussed their ‪#‎ GetTough‬ Dog Fighting Awareness campaign (see our earlier post HERE ), how social media is a valuable tool, their mobile app that helps to post lost and missing pets, and prevention tips on keeping our dogs safe. Listen below! And remember, all of my "The Sibe Vibe" shows are available on iTunes under the Dog Works Radio show listings! If you see something,  say something. Check Out Pets Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Dog Works Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio with Dog Works Radio Shows on BlogTalkRadio

Feeling Fit and Fine on a Flashback Friday!

We were so thrilled to have won first place in the BlogPaws "Get Fit With Your Pet Month" back in January, so I thought this would be perfect for our Flashback Friday! This is one of my favorite photos I've taken of my FiveSibes having fun in the back yard playing their version of Husky Ball! (Note the tennis ball in Harley's mouth to the far left!) So naturally, I was very proud and pleased it was selected as the first place photo in the BlogPaws Photo Contest! As a result of my photo being chosen - I received a fantastic $75 gift certificate from Pet360 for which we selected a case of the FiveSibes fave dog food and treats from Blue Buffalo! When the box arrived, they excitedly sniffed it and knew full well it was for them! Thanks so much to BlogPaws and Pet 360 !   Today is also our co-host's birthday! So please join us here at the FiveSibes in sending out warm wishes and woos and Husky hugs to Jenna over at Love is Being Owne

Earth Day: 45 Years of Caring for Earth; Be a Leader, Reduce Your Pet's Carbon Pawprint

Our FiveSibes Earth Day Poster     We are going "wordy" for today's Wordless Wednesday as we are sharing in the Earth Day celebration! This year marks 45 years of the Earth Day Network caring and promoting for the care of our Earth - everyone's backyard. States, "Earth Day 2015. The year in which economic growth and sustainability join hands. The year in which world leaders finally pass a binding climate change treaty. The year in which citizens and organizations divest from fossil fuels and put their money into renewable energy solutions. These are tough issues but we know what’s at stake is the future of our planet and the survival of life on earth. On Earth Day we need you to take a stand so that together, we can show the world a new direction. It’s our turn to lead. So our world leaders can follow by example. In 2015, let's redefine what progress looks like. It’s Our Turn to Lead ." We here at the FiveSibes have thought

Squirrel Watch on a Merry Meme Monday

It's Merry Meme Monday and today we are kickstarting the week with this great photo by You Know You Own a Husky, When with the perfect caption by Oh, the Life of Olivia ! They both are beautiful furpals and Olivia is a fellow Epi-dog! Please stop over and visit their Facebook pages, and be sure to tell them we sent you over! We hope our meme poster brought you a few smiles today and a great start to hopefully a wonderful week! "It's just another Manic Monday..."  ~The Bangles Our FiveSibes™ Merry Meme Caption Contest is periodically hosted over on our FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews Facebook page featuring gorgeous Siberian Huskies and clever memes suggested by and voted on our readers. Mondays have you down? Come join us each week for some Merry Memes and lots of smiles!