Love in a Merry Monday Meme

Today's great meme is this (p)awesome pic by Jordyn Kerr of her two beautiful dogs Mika the Husky and Epi-dog, Chloe, who are best friends! The perfect winning caption is by Donna Kilmetis of Husky Tales.

"When it hurts to look back, and you're afraid to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there." ~Unknown

Our FiveSibes™ Merry Meme Caption Contest is periodically hosted over on our FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews Facebook page featuring gorgeous Siberian Huskies and clever memes suggested by and voted by on our readers. Mondays have you down? Come join us each week for some Merry Memes and lots of smiles! Would you like to see your Husky or northern breed featured in a meme? Post your pic on our Facebook page or Email it to us at FiveSibesHuskyNews(at)gmail(dot)com and put "Meme Caption Contest" in subject line! We'll post it on our page and the caption suggestion with the most likes, wins, and we turn it into a poster crediting both photographer and caption winner! Lots of fun and a great way to highlight our furbabies! We hope you'll join us!
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"Nala" Stoddard
Sadly, we bid a safe final journey to our sweet furpal, "Nala" of Holly and the Huskies blog. Holly is a close friend of mine and sweet Nala was the alpha queen of her pack family. Nala, who just celebrated her 14th birthday in true Disney "Frozen" style, has been fighting cancer as a true warrior princess, but she took a turn for the worse this past week and earned her silver harness and joined her furangel siblings Oreo and Timber. Run free, beautiful girl, you will remain in the hearts of those who love you always.


  1. I'm sorry about the loss of your beautiful friend Nala. Run free, beautiful girl.

  2. Hi Y'all,

    We're all so sorry for your loss.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Thank you, Hawk. I know they will appreciate it.

  3. What a sweet meme!!!

    We were very sorry to hear about Nala too, and they too just had another recent loss - so hard. She sure was a beauty. Soft woos and gentle hugs to Nala's family.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

    1. We love memes! :-)

      The losses of our furpals is so hard, as you know all too well. :-(


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