Flashback Friday Fondly Looks Back at Gibson's First Wonderful Puppy Days...

With Purple Day® for Epilepsy happening tomorrow, Saturday, March 26, and earlier this week was National Puppy Day, I thought this would be a good day to spotlight my beloved, beautiful furangel, Gibson, as my Flashback Friday feature. Strolling down Memory Lane to 10 years ago...to April of 2006...when I shot this photograph of my big, fluffy, fuzzy, happy wooly Siberian Husky boy at just four months old and on his second day as part of my family! What a cutie pie! This is one of my favorite first photos of him, and sitting here now, missing him, I can close my eyes and see this moment so clearly. He was so happy, right from the start...and especially after meeting his true love, Harley! (This was taken right after the two of them had a good romp and run around the yard together!) It would be another almost three years before he was to begin his journey on the road called Canine Epilepsy. Through all of his life, Gibson greeted each day with this big, happy beautiful smile o...