Flashback Friday #20: A Beauty Queen Arrives

I can't believe today marks our 20th Flashback Friday! Wooo! Today, our feature photograph from down Memory Lane is of our alpha queen and very first Siberian Husky, Harley. Helen of Troy's face may have been said to have launched a thousand ships, but this beautiful baby's face launched a thousand kisses! Who could resist this face?! It was love at first sight for my daughter and who knew this little cutie with the intense eyes and beautiful mask would grow up to be the ruling alpha queen of a pack family of five Sibes! In this photo, Harley had just joined our family at eight weeks of age...and stole everyone's heart! "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~Anatole France Grab our badge and join in! Share your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram #FlashbackFriday photo and mention the FiveSibes ™ with a link back to here and leave us comment so we can come visit your Flashback, too! To catch up on pa...